
- House Cleaning
- Cleaning packages
- Office cleaning
- Chemical cleaning of soft furniture
- Area cleaning
- Post repair cleaning
- Cleaning of Courtyard
- Wash curtains and trimmings
- Facade cleaning
- Covrolite cleaning
- Window cleaning
- Chandelier cleaning
166 Cleaning service solves any cleaning problem with modern equipment and cleaning tools. If you are looking for a cleaning company, you are in the right place. We offer you the best services in the field of cleaning as well as in the field of cargo transportation.
Cleaning service prices
Our company offers cleaning services at a cheaper price considering your budget. Cleaning service prices are determined according to your order. The price varies depending on the area and the scope of the service.
Professional staff
A large and professional staff will ensure maximum cleanliness for you in a short time. The price of services is calculated as in cleaning packages. However, it should be noted that in some cases, prices may be lower or higher depending on the level of cleanliness.
With the latest cleaning equipment
Cleaning service means cleaning of living areas and workplaces by professionals with the latest cleaning equipment. The people working in the companies providing this service are professionals with sufficient experience. With this in mind, many people benefit from the help of companies that offer cleaning services. But do you know what to look for when looking for a cleaning company? So let's get acquainted.
The main characteristics of companies offering cleaning services:
1. Reliability of staff
2. Professionalism of the staff
3. Maintain hygienic cleanliness
4. Doing work neatly and cleanly
5. Quality of detergents
6. Do not use cleaning products on furniture, etc. not to be damaged.
166. cleaning service gives you this guarantee. If you also care about cleanliness and are looking for a professional cleaning company, you can contact us and make an appointment if you want to work with our staff who have all these listed characteristics.
Contact number 0502854477
Our advantages


Wide range of services

Cheap price

European production chemicals

Modern equipment

Professional staff

Fast service

Suitable time for you

Budget packages

Hourly cleaning packages

Post-cleaning check
Cleaning Service
166 Cleaning Service solves any cleaning problem with modern equipment and cleaning products. A large and professional staff will ensure maximum cleanliness for you in a short time. The price of the cleaning service is calculated as in the cleaning packages. However, it should be noted that in some cases, depending on the degree of pollution, the prices may be low or high. First of all, the object to be cleaned will be inspected. In these cases, the object to be cleaned will be inspected on the spot and evaluated by our managers and the price will be determined. You can access the sections above to get detailed information about the cleanliness of various places and things and to order. A clean work environment not only has a positive effect on our health, but also increases productivity. 0502854477
Customer reviews
Nəzrin Qəmbərova
18 May 2022
Ev təmizliyi üçün 166 təmizlik xidməti ilə əlaqəyə keçdim və qısa zamanda əməkdaşlar mənimlə əlaqə saxladı. Xidmət səviyyəsi çox xoşuma gəldi. Əməkdaşlar işə çox ciddi yanaşırdı. Temizlik xidmeti əldə etmək həm vaxt cəhətdən, həm də möhtəşəm xidmət əldə etmək cəhətdən olduqca faydalı oldu. Bir daha təşəkkürlər!
Murad İsmayılov
15 June 2022
Yaxın zamanda hem ev hem de kimyəvi təmizləmə xidməti üçün 166-ya müraciət etdim. Deyə bilərəm ki, göstərilən xidmət və əməkdaşların müştəriyə qarşı olan yanaşmaları olduqca yüksək səviyyədədir. Həm ev təmizliyi həm də kimyəvi təmizləmə xidmətindən gələcəkdədə faydalanmağı düşünürəm.