Office cleaning

- House Cleaning
- Cleaning packages
- Office cleaning
- Chemical cleaning of soft furniture
- Area cleaning
- Post repair cleaning
- Cleaning of Courtyard
- Wash curtains and trimmings
- Facade cleaning
- Covrolite cleaning
- Window cleaning
- Chandelier cleaning
Cleanliness is important not only for comfort, but also for efficient work. In an unclean office, dust and germs affect the health of office workers and reduce their work productivity. The impact of cleaning costs on the company's budget is also one of the main points to consider when looking for cleaning staff.
Office cleaning service is affordable
Unless cleanliness issues are addressed, an environment that is completely unsuitable for work begins to emerge. 166 Cleaning Service offers the right office cleaning service for you with different service packages without affecting your office budget. He carries out the cleaning work taking into account the characteristics of the office and the wishes of the client. Our professional staff will restore cleanliness in your office at the time you specify.
Office cleaning service includes:
- Cleaning the floor covering with the appropriate method;
- Dusting of things;
- Cleaning and disinfection of office furniture and equipment;
- Cleaning of doors and windows, mirrors and additional accessories;
- Cleaning the kitchen;
Cleaning and disinfection of sanitary facilities.
You succeed in your work, we will clean your office!


Wide range of services

Cheap price

European production chemicals

Modern equipment

Professional staff

Fast service

Suitable time for you

Budget packages

Hourly cleaning packages

Post-cleaning check
Office Cleaning
Cleanliness is not only important for comfort, but also for efficient work. In an unclean office, dust and germs affect the health of office workers. For this reason, as long as the cleanliness issues are not resolved, an environment that is completely unsuitable for work begins to emerge. So, 166 Cleaning service offers you suitable office cleaning service without affecting your budget. Our professional staff will clean your office on the first day. Office cleaning service includes: (1) Cleaning of floor covering by appropriate method; (2) Dusting of items; (3) Cleaning and disinfection of office furniture and equipment; (4) Cleaning of doors and windows, mirrors and additional accessories; (5) Kitchen cleaning; (6) Cleaning and disinfection of sanitary facilities. You succeed in your work, we will clean your office!
Customer reviews
Nəzrin Qəmbərova
18 May 2022
Ev təmizliyi üçün 166 təmizlik xidməti ilə əlaqəyə keçdim və qısa zamanda əməkdaşlar mənimlə əlaqə saxladı. Xidmət səviyyəsi çox xoşuma gəldi. Əməkdaşlar işə çox ciddi yanaşırdı. Temizlik xidmeti əldə etmək həm vaxt cəhətdən, həm də möhtəşəm xidmət əldə etmək cəhətdən olduqca faydalı oldu. Bir daha təşəkkürlər!
Murad İsmayılov
15 June 2022
Yaxın zamanda hem ev hem de kimyəvi təmizləmə xidməti üçün 166-ya müraciət etdim. Deyə bilərəm ki, göstərilən xidmət və əməkdaşların müştəriyə qarşı olan yanaşmaları olduqca yüksək səviyyədədir. Həm ev təmizliyi həm də kimyəvi təmizləmə xidmətindən gələcəkdədə faydalanmağı düşünürəm.